Weekly report 7

This week I finished my author’s purpose unit. Author’s purpose is the 3 main reasons for writing which is to entertain, inform, persuade, I wrote a paragraph about how the 3 reasons fit together. Something else we did in project wonder is that we made posters for the 4 rules of project wonder which are rule 1 is “give your best effort.” Rule 2 is “respect the classroom and others.” Rule 3 is “keep your learning community happy.” Rule 4 is “keep up for yourself.” Next week I hope to finish my middle ages evaluating a source unit.

Weekly Review 5

This week I worked on the units 4Cs, Author’s Purpose, Effective Speaking. The 4Cs are about creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Author’s Purpose is an Author’s main reason for writing which is Entertain, Inform, and Persuade. Effective speaking is when you try to speak louder without yelling or shouting. I also went to Blue Mountain for a field trip, we snow tubed and had to do an experiment which was to record the times of people going down the slope. Next week I hope to finish my level 4 for the Middle Ages unit.